An Informative Workshop!

Covid-19 and Social Workers' Increased Use of Communication Technology: Looking Ahead

A third Zoom workshop addressing issues related to the impact of Covid 19 on social workers and their practice was held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 in collaboration with the New York Academy Social Work Section.
Panelists included social workers who provide services in private practice and in hospital and community based settings.

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Diana Delgado, LMSW
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Jill Dovale, LMSW
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Susan Matorin, LCSW
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Alison Snow, PhD, LCSW
Panelists: Jill Dovale, LMSW; Susan Matorin, LCSW, ACSW; Diana Delgado, LMSW
Moderator: Alison Snow, PhD, LCSW

The social distancing guidelines necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic have altered direct social work practice that until now has largely relied on in-person relationships. Face-to-face contacts and home visits have been replaced by telecommunications, such as telephone or virtual platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Facetime, and Webex. This workshop examined the challenges these developments presented to social workers in health care, community agencies, and private practice and the clients and patients they serve.

Here is a link to the recording of the workshop.