The GSWPF program, funded by grants from the Florence V. Burden Foundation, was conducted in 2009, 2011, and 2014. Over this period of time It provided training to 59 MSW supervisors working in New York City health and social service settings that provide services to older adults. The program focused on the supervisor’s role as teacher. Each program comprised 6 all day in-person interactive workshops conduct over 2 ½ month period. Process evaluations after each workshop were very positive with emphasis given by the supervisors to the importance of the group experience. Further indications of the program’s positive impact was repeated enrollment of additional supervisors from the same agency.

Since 2015 the GSWPF program has served as a model for subsequent training programs including the Supervisory Leaders in Aging program (SLA) sponsored by the National Association of Social Workers and the Social Work Practice Fellows Program (SWPF) currently taking place in New York and Connecticut and sponsored by the schools of social work at the University of Connecticut, Adelphi University, and Syracuse University.

The following is a list of the New York City Practice Fellows who completed the program in 2009, 2011, and 2014.

GSWPF 2009 Class
Elizabeth Alvarado
Laura Aiello
Ann Donaldson
Blanca Goris
Rhonda Grand*
Brenda Green
Mary Hume
Esther Jacobson
Rebecca Mushkin
Laura Rodriguez, MSW
Tynisha Rodriguez
Olga Shalom
Lorraine Thomas
Sandra Thomas
Debi Wong
Fen Yuan
Wendy Zinman

GSWPF 2011 Class
Amina Basit
Donna D’Dorsi
Evelyn Freytes
Alicia Fry
James Garafalo
Debbie Hoffer
Carollina Hoyos
Jennifer Joseph
Elise F. Karras
Barbara Kelly
Diana Ladino
Michelle Liu
Amy Loewenberg
Luis Minier
Trishna Monplaisir
Elza Moskowitz
Shyvonne Noboa
Aimee Philpott
Patricia Robayo
Michelle Rodgriguez
Steven Schwartz
Lucy Seligson
Elissa Smith
Debra Solkoff
Mona Spencer
Leo Vaz

GSWPF 2014 Class
Cheryl Kamen
Hanan Simhon
Elizabeth Tacina
Albana Telic
Iolanda deSouza
Holly Borosky
Robin Roberts
Sandra Novahicka
Tara Corn Harris
Megan Isenberg
Alexis Cibrano
Anne Foerg
Renee Gross
Marlena Palomba
Sasha Stim-Fogel
Rina Bellamy