Susan Matorin
It has been such a pleasure to chair the Board of the Helen Rehr Center for Social Work Practice. Helen Rehr in her time was a role model for many of us, a staunch advocate for evidenced based clinical practice. Her wisdom and vitality are as applicable today as ever. We face so many challenges to maintain these standards. Currently, compliance with regulatory requirements, a focus on the financial, daunting caseloads of clients with more complexity, and computerized documentation demands dominate. The health of our profession can be measured by how we face these challenges, and not just survive, but thrive. Our clients and our junior colleagues expect nothing less from us. Our younger colleagues who did not have the opportunity to know Helen are especially in need of strong professional role models. Our board in partnership with schools of social work and professional organizations plays a vital leadership role. We will be looking for fresh initiatives to put our mission into actions.

I want to thank the board members who served during my tenure, worked hard, offered wisdom, advice and support. Several board members resigned: Laudy Burgos, Fran Freedman, Carolyn Hutson, Priscilla Liriano, and Alicia Tennenbaum. I appreciate that each stayed the course while taking on new jobs or educational programs, while managing family and parenting obligations. As social workers we are the best equipped to appreciate the life cycle and its challenges. I have in my career especially tried to address work/family balance issues. As we are committed to a diverse board and addition of younger colleagues, I believe it is very important to recognize this reality.

I am reassured to hand over the reins of leadership to Dr. Barbara Silverstone, one of our founders. Barbara has worked tirelessly to guide us to obtain CEU credits and financial stability. She is a consummate leader in our profession who has always been a wise supportive guiding light and has the time the Board as a volunteer group deserves to move forward on fresh initiatives.

Susan Matorin, LCSW, ACSW